Mystery Yarn Exchange 2018

If you exchanged yarn in the Mystery Yarn Exchange this year, here’s what you need to know:

Brown Bagging Yarn

For just 300 yards of nice yarn and a plain brown paper bag, you could have a talented guild member knit you a delightful surprise! Yes, Meika Jensen is coordinating the Mystery Yarn Swap this year, registering and distributing mystery yarns to knitters who will return hand knit surprises in April.

Here are the important notes:

Yarn Donors: Put 300 yards of nice yarn in a brown paper bag, and label it with the fiber content (wool, silk, acrylic, alpaca) so that knitters are not given a yarn they are allergic to. “Nice yarn” does not need to be expensive. “Nice yarn” means yarn that is not tangled, unknittable, or moth-eaten. Yes, this has happened.

Mystery Knitters: Knit something for the recipient and bring it to the April meeting where the mysteries will be revealed in show and tell. Please find a project that uses all or most of their yarn, 50-yard bolero ties are not a good project. Use Ravelry’s advanced pattern search tool to find projects for your yarn weight and length.