October Guild Meeting Reminder

The October meeting of the Salt Lake Knitter’s Guild is coming up soon!  We will meet at the Murray Library on Wednesday, October 12, at 6:30 p.m.  Judging by our current weather, you may want to break out your wool socks to wear!

The evening’s topic will be Tips and Tricks, taught by Marielle Jordan, Sarah Scott, and Katy Carroll.  We’ll discuss a variety of techniques that will hopefully help you save time, apply a professional touch to your finished objects, and maybe even prevent a little knitting heartbreak.  As always, visitors are welcome!

Also, as Jill mentioned in September, the Guild would like make handknit hats for the Navajo Reservation in Arizona as our service project.  Jill’s husband and children had the opportunity to travel down to the reservation last December with a group that visits every year, bringing trailers full of clothing and supplies. They reported that after toilet paper, HATS were the next most popular item.

Because the weather can get chilly there, we ask that the hats be made in washable wool blends. And since hats from infant to large adult sizes are needed, you are free to let your imagination go wild!  This is a great chance to use up odds and ends you might have floating around in your stash.  We will collect the hats at the October and November meetings — see what you can whip out by then!

One last thing — if you haven’t yet sent in your membership renewal form and dues ($25), please do so ASAP!  We will begin compiling the 2011-2012 member directory after the October meeting, so we need your information.  The form was included in your September newsletter and will also be available at the October meeting.  If you’d like a copy before then, I can easily email one to you.

Thank you, and happy knitting!