September Guild Meeting

Well, folks, it’s that time again!  Time for our regular business meetings to commence for the year (if you call Sept-May a year…..hmmmm).  Anyway, our next meeting will be held Wednesday, Sept 14th from 6:30-8:30pm at the Murray Library, located at 166 E 5300 S, Murray, UT, in the large conference room near the main entrance.  Don’t forget to bring your membership renewal fee of $25 with you to give to Marietta Paull our Treasurer.

This is the perfect time to bring your friends that have been wanting to join the Guild as well because this is our first month back after being adjourned for the summer months, and they will want to get in right now so that they can attend as many meetings as possible this year, and enjoy all the great benefits of being a Guild member.  Membership forms will be available at the meeting for newbies. Membership forms and fees turned in before October will be included in the Guild roster.

This month’s program will be “What To Do With All That Sock Yarn!” taught by our own Verla Younker and Mary Triplett.  Who better to teach this?! They will talk about using up a surplus of odd skeins, singletons, and those gorgeous hand-paints you’ve avoided using until you find just the right project.  Please bring samples of items OTHER THAN SOCKS that you’ve made with sock yarn.  We’d love to see what your creative mind and hands have been doing!

Come join us one and all!