September’s a-comin’!

The new year of the Salt Lake Knitting Guild is about to begin this month with our kickoff meeting (I know it’s weird – we have our guild year from September to August, whatever).  We are eager to see everyone there and get our new year started off right! We’re meeting at the Murray Library as usual at 6:30pm in the conference room. Don’t forget your show-n-tell of the lovelies you’ve made over the summer.

We’re having a great program that night on new sock techniques. If you’d like to actively participate in the technique just cast on 60 sts over 3 (or 4 if you like) dpn’s and work about a half inch or so, then bring it to the meeting and be ready to work the rest of it with a new toe technique to close it up.

And just you wait until you see what we’ve got for the Drop n’ Swap table!  We’ve de-cluttered and reorganized the guild library closets and we have lots of goodies going on to the table for the taking, so get while the getting’s good!  You will be seeing all sorts of  new books coming into our library for the members’ use and you are going to be so happy.  By the way, we take requests too, if you know of a book you’d like us to carry.

Since this is the beginning of the new year for the guild, now is the time to bring your knitting friends and get them involved in the guild with us.  Be sure to bring your check or cash for membership renewal and your registration form, or you can fill on out at the meeting that night.

See you there!

3 Comments on “September’s a-comin’!

  1. Sarah,

    You rock! Thanks for getting this information out to the members. Hope to see lots of visitors at our October meeting.


  2. Greetings, I am a spinning wheel maker and wheel restoration artist from the Missoula, MT area. I was inquiring as to whether I would be an asset to a local spinning fair in your area. I have been invited to your area by local spinning artist while attending fairs in Idaho and Oregon. Please feel free to make any inquiries to my email and take a look at my web page to get a representation of my work. Thank you for interest in advance.

    • Well, well, well. We always love to hear from those in the spinning industry! We don’t have much in the way of spinning fairs here except for the Great Basin Fiber Fair in South Jordan, Utah, each year on the third weekend in August. So unfortunately, you’ve missed it for this year. However, I will tell you that the GBFF is getting bigger and better every year so you’re actually coming in at a great time because you’d be very welcome to be a vendor there. We love expanding the fair! Here’s the link to the website and contact info for the fair. Please come join us, we’d love to have you!